The movie Duniyadari Release Date is 19 July 2013.Duniyadari is 2013 coming of Romantic film directed by Sanjay Jadhav & produced by Produced by Dreaming 24/7 Productions.The realstick story of this movie Written by Inspired from the best seller’s "Duniyadari", written by eminent writer Late Shri Suhas Shirwalkar.
Check the Cast:
Swapnil Joshi As Shreyas Talvalkar aka Bachhu
Ankush Choudhary As Digambar Shankar Patil aka DSP
Urmila Kanitkar As Minakshi Inamdar aka Minu
Sai Tamhankar As Shirin Ghatge,
Jitendra Joshi As Sainath Dedgavkar aka Sai
Sushant Shelar As Pritam Ghatge
Richa Pariyalli As Surekha Bhate
Sandeep Kulkarni As Shreyas Gokhale aka MK
Prashant More
All Music done from SAY Band. This blockbuster Duniyadari movie realease in Marathi language.Critical reception of the film is positive.
(written by Allmultimediafun)

Movie Trailer: